SuckleBubs Pregnancy Preparation for Baby, Breastfeeding and Sleep

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Pumping and Work

It’s World Breastfeeding Week 2023 and the theme is:

Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work!

Exploring the depths of motherhood, I've come to learn that the feeling of 'guilt' can unfortunately be a very normal expression. If I've ever experienced this feeling, I have tried to take a step back to understand what societal expectation or pressure might have made me feel this way.

In the context of returning to work as a breastfeeding mother, I've realised how hard it can feel to advocate for entitled pumping breaks. 

In our fast-paced society, it's easy to feel like our needs are overlooked - especially in a busy environment where even our colleagues sometimes cannot stop in their busy day!

The truth is that life has never been so busy - but it's important we speak up for our rights as breastfeeding mothers. 

For a start, we could educate others that the WHO recommendation is to continue breastfeeding up to 2 years of age and beyond. So let's stop asking mothers why they're still feeding their child, or how long they plan to feed for.

I urge you to question any feelings of inner guilt that you may experience when it comes to taking extra breaks for pumping. This feeling is based on societal pressure and expectations, and you are legally and ethically entitled to pumping breaks and support as you continue your feeding journey when returning to work.

Together, we can make a positive change for breastfeeding parents in the workplace.

Let's make breastfeeding at work, work!