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The Power of Mindful Moments: Nourishing Your Nervous System

Finding time for meditation as a parent of two young children has always felt impossible for me. It is a practice I have always really wanted to be able to commit to, and have simply never been able to prioritise.

Finding moments for self-care is challenging as a parent, particularly when many families associate all of their self-care needs with nap times. In my opinion, this can set up families to feel exhausted and disappointed, particularly if their child takes a cat nap and leaves barely enough time to take a shower.

Im a big fan of weaving in mindful moments into my day, as it helps me to stay emotionally regulated and continue to parent according to my values.

By incorporating mindful moments into our daily routine, we can nourish our nervous system and enhance our overall well-being.

Expanding Your Anchor Options

When it comes to grounding ourselves in the present, the breath is often the go-to anchor in mindfulness practices. However, the breath may not resonate with everyone.

Luckily, our sensory system offers a myriad of choices for anchoring ourselves in the present moment. By tuning into different sensory systems, we can find anchors that personally resonate with us.

Exploring Sensory Anchors

Connecting with our surroundings or body sensations can offer a unique and personalised experience of mindfulness. Here are a few sensory options that you can explore:

  1. Sight: Take a moment to watch the steam rise from your cup of tea, incense burn, candlelight flicker, or the trees swaying in the wind. Let this ground you in the moment, even if for just a few seconds.

  2. Sound: Simply focus on the sounds around you. Notice what you can hear. You can ground yourself in the present and cultivate a sense of calm by tuning in to your auditory system.

  3. Smell: Take a moment to inhale the aroma of your favourite essential oil or morning cup of coffee.

  4. Posture: Mindful posture can be a powerful way to connect with your body and the present moment. Pay attention to how you sit or stand, ensuring that you're grounded and aligned.

  5. Movement: Engage in mindful movement, such as yoga. Cultivate a deeper connection with your body.

  6. Anchoring in Action: Integrate your sensory system in everyday activities. For example, as you prepare a cup of coffee, tune in to the sounds of the water boiling, the aromas of the coffee, appreciate the warmth of the cup, and experience the physical act of pouring. Over time, this becomes a daily ritual with a mindful twist.

  7. Body Sensations: Take a moment to feel the sensation of your clothing on your skin or the touch of your hands on your legs, grounding you in the present. I love to feel the warm sunlight on my skin.

  8. Breathing: For those to whom the breath doesn't feel like the right anchor, consider paying attention to the sensation of your shoulders rising and falling with each breath or the gentle movement of your belly. These practices can anchor you and calm your nervous system.

By exploring these sensory anchors, you can find the ones that resonate with you and incorporate them into your daily self-care routine.

Self-care can seamlessly coexist with your responsibilities as a parent, enabling you to maintain emotional balance and uphold your values.

Incorporating mindful moments into our daily lives is a powerful way to nourish our nervous system and enhance our overall well-being. Exploring our sensory systems can offer another alternative and meaningful experience of mindfulness.

By choosing anchors that resonate with us on a personal level, we can cultivate a deeper connection with the present moment and prioritise self-care throughout our day. So, take a moment to pause, tune in, and embrace your sensory system.